Improving Fairness in Deepfake Detection

2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)(2023)

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Despite the development of effective deepfake detection models in recent years, several recent studies have demonstrated that biases in the training data utilized to develop deepfake detection models can lead to unfair performance for demographic groups of different races and/or genders. Such can result in these groups being unfairly targeted or excluded from detection, allowing misclassified deepfakes to manipulate public opinion and erode trust in the model. While these studies have focused on identifying and evaluating the unfairness in deepfake detection, no methods have been developed to address the fairness issue of deepfake detection at the algorithm level. In this work, we make the first attempt to improve deepfake detection fairness by proposing novel loss functions to train fair deepfake detection models in ways that are agnostic or aware of demographic factors. Extensive experiments on four deepfake datasets and five deepfake detectors demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of our approach in improving the deepfake detection fairness.
Algorithms,Explainable,fair,accountable,privacy-preserving,ethical computer vision,Algorithms,Biometrics,face,gesture,body pose
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