Neural invasion is an independent prognostic factor in young and lymph node negative gastric cancer patients underwent curative gastrectomy


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Abstract Background: The prognostic significance of neural invasion (NI) in gastric cancer (GC) has not been established. This study is to investigate the characteristic and prognostic value of NI in GC.Methods: 592 patients who had undergone gastrectomy for GC were retrospectively analyzed. NI was defined when cancer cells infiltrated into the perineurium or neural fascicles by hematoxylin and eosin staining of surgical specimens. NI and the other clinical factors were analyzed.Results: NI was detected in 270 of the 592 patients. NI was associated with tumor size, site, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, TNM stage, tumor differentiation, Lauren classification, and blood vessel invasion. NI was associated with the overall survival. Multivariate analysis indicated that NI was not an independent prognostic factor for total patients, while NI independently predicted prognosis for age<60 and lymph node metastasis negative patients by subgroup analysis. Concomitant existence of NI with tumor size ≥3cm, TNM stage III, or diffused Lauren classification independently predicted prognosis.Conclusions: The frequency of NI is high in GC patients and increases with disease progression. NI is related to poor survival in GC patients who underwent curative gastrectomy and provides independent prognostic value for young and lymph node metastasis negative patients.
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