Leadership Claiming and Granting: Scale Development, Antecedents, and Outcomes

Yi Huang, Krishna Savani,Steffen R. Giessner, Yi Huang, Joohyung Kim,Manuel J. Vaulont, Bjorn Atterstam,Sofya Isaakyan,Gabriele Jacobs,Jeffery LePine,Jennifer Nahrgang, Krishna Savani,Danni Wang,Wu Wei,Soohyun Yoon

Academy of Management Proceedings(2022)

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People emerge as leaders both because they claim leadership and because others grant them leadership (DeRue & Ashford, 2010). Although this line of research has been transformative, an established measure and empirical investigation of this process is currently lacking. To illustrate, past work operationalized leadership claiming and granting through other constructs, such as participation and influence. The current symposium seeks to present emerging research examining the empirical process of leadership claiming and granting at various levels of analyses (i.e., dyadic, individual, and team). Willingness to Claim the Lead and to Grant the Lead – A New Scale, Its Antecedents and Outcomes Presenter: Steffen R. Giessner; Erasmus U. Rotterdam Presenter: Bjorn Atterstam; - Presenter: Sofya Isaakyan; Erasmus U. Rotterdam Presenter: Gabriele Jacobs; Erasmus U. Rotterdam Configurations of Leadership Identity Claiming and Granting: Development of a Dyadic-Level Measure Presenter: Manuel J. Vaulont; Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Presenter: Jennifer Nahrgang; U. of Iowa Leader Obstructive Proactivity: When Leadership Claiming Fails Presenter: Joohyung Kim; Arizona State U. Presenter: Soohyun Yoon; Arizona State U. Presenter: Jeffery LePine; Arizona State U. Presenter: Wu Wei; Wuhan U. Presenter: Danni Wang; Rutgers Business School Implicit Theories about Leadership and Team Leadership Claiming and Granting Presenter: Yi Huang; Nanyang Technological U. Presenter: Krishna Savani; Department of Management and Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic U.
leadership,scale development,antecedents,granting
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