Validation, Evaluation, and Localization of Climate Change Signal – The Use of IS-ENES3 Analysis Platform Initiative


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<p>To analyse, assess and localize the climate change signal for climate change impact assessment including the analysis of the uncertainty is demanding task especially with respect to the amount of data necessary. Indeed, when trying to get more detailed and reliable information with uncertainty assessment for specific localized region full spread of available data might be of importance, i.e. global ensemble of GCMs simulations (for several scenarios, i.e. CMIP results) on one side, and regional downscaling simulations for some of the GCMs on the other side. It is really hard to download all the data locally, to select necessary variables you need at you region of interest and to make all the analyses you require to support your impact study. Well, there are some options for data selection on servers side, however, some tools are available today to make all the analysis remotely on the data side, i.e. directly on the HPC computers next to the data archives. This is what the initiative of EC Horizon2020 project IS-ENES3 called Analysis Platform, which is provided for free on the basis os some kind &#8222;internal&#8220; projects, of course not funded, but allocating the resources for an applicants use.</p><p>In the contribution, we will present the potential of this new paradigm in processing and analysing data when studying results of CMIP6 and CMIP5 comparison for the region of Central Europe, together with the comparison to EuroCORDEX 0.11 simulations, with the validation against local observational data. This data are further used to localize the information into the scale of modelling study in the framework of local project PERUN, where CP simulations are in progress.</p>
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