
Geomorphological Map of Greece


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The present study is a geomorphological overview of Greece on a scale of 1:1,000,000. It is the first attempt of a cartographic synthesis that aims to bring together and interpret the geological and geomorphological factors that contributed to the landscape formation and evolution of Greece on a national scale. The production of the geomorphological map was based on a literature review of previous geomorphological studies of the greek terrestrial and coastal area at different scales as well as on the application of semi-automated, GIS techniques. High resolution topography obtained from the Hellenic Cadastre as well as the geological maps of Greece at a scale of 1:50,000 obtained from the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Greece were used as initial inputs in a spatial geodatabase for the production of a series of secondary layers. These layers, which included a hillshade map, a slope-aspect map, and a red relief image map, were combined with Google Earth Imagery to delineate small- and large scale landform across the Greek territory. The final map incorporates landforms of both endogenic and exogenic origin. It was organized genetically including structural landforms, landforms due to fluvial erosional and depositional processes, gravity induced landforms as well as coastal, karst, volcanic, glacial and periglacial landforms and anthropogenic facilities. A series of accompanying maps and tables were also produced, providing topographic parameters as well as information about the geotectonic setting and the climatic regime of Greece. The results show that the greek territory comprises a landscape with heterogeneous geomorphological environments, the formation and evolution of which, is the result of primarily active tectonics, and exogenic processes. The map reflects the extent of recent developments of geomorphology of Greece and can be used as a management tool for stakeholders, as well as a reference for further interdisciplinary research.
Cartography,Crowdsourced Mapping,Map Projections,Geovisualization,Web-based GIS
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