
Blockchain and Ipfs Based Secure Cloud Banking System Using Smart Card


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Abstract The advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has made it possible for humans to send messages electronically. Generally, this concept of electronic message transmission is useful for prompt and cost effective mode of communication between the connected users. People are being pushed to maintain social distance during the current Corona virus (COVID19) epidemic in order to break the chain of viral transmission throughout society. This approach of electronic message communication has evolved as the primary mode of communication between the users for availing various types of services like banking, education, administration, healthcare, etc. While focusing on the promptness and cost effective approach of electronic message communication, it is equally important to maintain highest standard of Privacy, Integrity, Non-Repudiation and Authentication (PINA) for digitally transmitted messages, so that neither the end user nor the service provider can be adversely affected by the attacker. Recently in India, various cases of fraudulent monetary transactions has been noticed in the banking sector, which has resulted to miss utilization of hard earned money of Citizen. The occurrence of these fraudulent monetary transactions in the banking sector has explored scope for research work to make the entire system more reliable and accountable to its beneficiaries. Apart from that, because electronic message communication is typically conducted over an open communication medium such as the Internet, which is highly susceptible to adversarial illicit attempts, research work should be conducted to provide the populace with an integrated and secure electronic banking system. Furthermore, it is also essential to simulate the security parameters of electronic banking system before its real world implementation, so as to ensure investment of resources in right direction. To achieve this objective, in this paper authors has proposed Blockchain and Interplanetary File System (IPFS) based secured Cloud Banking System (CBS) and performed its Object Oriented Modelling (OOM) to emulate its deployment.
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