Evolution of the Internet from Web 1.0 to Metaverse: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


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The World Wide Web as the largest global information media through which user can share, read, and writes data through computers connected with internet. In last few years, internet has had much progress from web1.0 to web 3.0. The first iteration of the web or web 1.0, also known as the Classic Web, arrived in 1991. Web1.0 was all about connecting and getting information on the net. Then came web 2.0, enabling users to read as well as create and deliver content. Due to the read and write functionalities of web 2.0, there was an immense growth in the on the internet, specially in social media alongside Ecommerce. Web3.0 is generally regarded as the emergence of the semantic web, where computer will generating and thinking new information rather than humans. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, users will be able to interact with data. The Metaverse is the future iteration of the internet. It will combines multiple different virtual spaces that provides access to a diverse variety of entertainment and projects utilizing the full range of augmented reality.
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