Substorm onset and current sheet flapping in a 6D global ion-kinetic simulation


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<p>Among the most unpredictable phenomena within the near-Earth space are substorms, periods of energy loading and explosive release within the magnetospheric tail. Substorms are global, as energy is extracted from the solar wind via dayside reconnection, while the tail energy release&#160;takes place in a vast domain within a few tens of seconds. Due to the scarcity of space-borne observations,&#160;it has been difficult to conclusively separate between the onset scenarios that include magnetic reconnection and various ion-kinetic instabilities, which occur at mesoscales, and small scales. Another decades-long investigation concerns the flapping of the plasma sheet, occurring within a large area favouring the substorm growth phase, although it has been observed at other times as well. Mechanisms to explain the flapping are presently unknown. Modelling efforts have failed to explain the substorm onset either because all the required physics has not been included in the simulation, or the simulation does not cover the entire domain, thus possibly missing important drivers. Vlasiator is a<span>&#160; </span>model describing the global magnetosphere accurately at ion-kinetic scales, including the ion-kinetic effects that are absent in the fluid descriptions. Unlike many other kinetic simulations, Vlasiator extends the simulation domain to global scales and accurately represents the Earth&#8217;s unscaled magnetosphere from the dayside to the tail, in six dimensions including the 3D real space and 3D velocity space without noise that is present in the alternative PIC method. We present the first global 6D simulation encompassing the entire near-Earth space to simulate ion-kinetic magnetospheric dynamics self-consistently. We determine reconnection, ion-kinetic instabilities, plasma sheet flapping, and bursty bulk flows in the simulation domain, and show how they all contribute to the whole and work in concert in developing the substorm onset. Our results help to understand spacecraft measurements and the overall substorm process, which will significantly improve understanding space physics and eventually space weather. Our results can also be used in strategies to design a mission, which will finally and conclusively capture the substorm onset with in situ measurements.</p>
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