Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era


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<p><img src="" alt="" width="353" height="140"></p><p>Understanding the climate of the past two millennia (2k) remains vital for developing our wider comprehension of the climate system, including the nature and scale of recent and future anthropogenic change. Phase 4 of the PAGES 2k network will build on previous phases and take us to a new level of understanding and science-policy integration.</p><p>During previous phases, PAGES 2k members compiled global networks of proxy measurements, extending records beyond the instrumental period by more than an order of magnitude, reconstructing past climate and developing new knowledge of past variability and processes. Through data-model integration with state-of-the-art Earth systems models, proxy system modelling and data assimilation, we took key steps towards a more comprehensive understanding of climate dynamics.</p><p>Phase 4 will take us even further, challenging our community to turn its focus primarily towards the hydroclimate of the Common Era: performing new reconstructions and improving the interoperability, extent and scope of our data and model products. In doing so, we also seek to facilitate the translation of our science into evidence-based policy outcomes. Our overarching aim is to reconstruct hydroclimate variability over the Common Era from local to global spatial scales, at sub-annual to multi-centennial time scales. We propose to achieve this through new community-led data curation efforts and the development of new data-driven tools and practices to maximise the interoperability of convenient, efficient and widespread model/data products. We will aim for a process-level understanding of past hydroclimate events and variability by evaluating and constraining Earth system models and through data assimilation.</p><p>Our coordination team places a strong emphasis on respect and inclusion, aiming to foster a diverse and equitable community. Through a &#8216;hub and spoke&#8217; structure, our team will provide a facilitation, coordination and support role (the hub) for Pages 2k working groups (the spokes). We are actively seeking participation of those engaging in climate policy and climate services. Welcome to Phase 4!&#160; We warmly invite your collaborations and contributions!&#160;</p>
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