
Zooplankton and Micronekton Products from the CMEMS Catalogue: State of the Current Product and Development Plan


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Since mid-2019, meso-zooplankton and micronekton reanalyses (large past time series that are processed with time-consistent forcings) are available and regularly extended for the CMEMS catalogue. The product (also known as MICRORYS) is computed using SEAPODYM-LMTL, the Lower and Mid Trophic levels model of the Spatial Ecosystem And POpulation DYnamic Modeling framework. Meso-zooplankton organisms (200µm-2mm) constitute the low-trophic level. These organisms are transported along with the water masses. Micronekton organisms, constituting the mid-trophic level, are bigger organisms (2-20cm) able to swim over short distances. SEAPODYM models the spatial and population t dynamics of the LMTL population with a system of advection-diffusion-reaction equations. The vertical dimension is simplified into three layers (namely epipelagic, upper, and lower mesopelagic). Layers matches the vertical distribution of organisms that is observed. The six micronekton groups are defined according to their diel vertical migration from the surface at night to the deep ocean during the day. At the moment MICRORYS products use a global configuration of SEAPODYM at 1/12° daily resolution. This product has evolved considerably since the first delivery. We propose here to review the state of the art of this product. Some case studies and the developments that are expected in the near future, especially those concerning a better estimation on high latitudes will be presented.
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