Enhanced Quasi-6-Day Wave during the 2019 Southern Hemisphere SSW and its modulation of diurnal tides and gravity waves 

Zishun Qiao,Alan Z. Liu, Nick Pedatella,Gunter Stober,Iain Reid, Javier Fuentes, Chris Adami


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<p>A newly established multi-static meteor radar network, CONDOR (31.2&#186;S,70.0&#186;W), provides the capability to resolve wind and temperature oscillations over a broad range of periods, calculate E-P flux of planetary waves and investigate the short-term variability in the 80-100 km MLT region. In this study we present results of an enhanced westward wavenumber 1 Q6DW activity and its modulation with the amplified diurnal tides and gravity waves (GW) meridional wind variance during a rare minor SH SSW in 2019, using two SH midlatitude meteor radar observations and a recently developed 3DVAR algorithm. This algorithm creates a tomographic reconstruction of the 3D wind field based on optimal estimation technique and Bayesian statistics and is particularly suitable for investigating GW dynamics on regional scales. Furthermore, we present the first results of meteor radar observed Q6DW E-P flux and its comparison with SD-WACCM-X simulated Q6DW E-P flux. The encouraging agreement demonstrated that this SSW-related Q6DW activity had a significant impact on the dynamically coupled MLT region at SH midlatitude.</p>
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