A hypomorphic mutation in Pold1 disrupts the coordination of embryo size expansion and morphogenesis during gastrulation


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AbstractFormation of a properly sized and patterned embryo during gastrulation requires a well-coordinated interplay between cell proliferation, lineage specification and tissue morphogenesis. Following transient physical or pharmacological manipulations, pre-gastrulation stage mouse embryos show remarkable plasticity to recover and resume normal development. However, it remains unclear how mechanisms driving lineage specification and morphogenesis respond to defects in cell proliferation during and after gastrulation. Null mutations in DNA replication or cell-cycle related genes frequently lead to cell cycle arrest and reduced cell proliferation, resulting in developmental arrest before the onset of gastrulation; such early lethality precludes studies aiming to determine the impact of cell proliferation on lineage specification and morphogenesis during gastrulation. From an unbiased ENU mutagenesis screen, we discovered a mouse mutant, tiny siren (tyrn), that carries a hypomorphic mutation producing an aspartate to tyrosine (D939Y) substitution in Pold1, the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase δ. Impaired cell proliferation in the tyrn mutant leaves anterior-posterior patterning unperturbed during gastrulation but results in an overall reduction in embryo size and in severe morphogenetic defects. Our analyses show that the successful execution of morphogenetic events during gastrulation requires that lineage specification and the ordered production of differentiated cell types occur in concordance with embryonic growth.Summary statementPold1 hypomorphic mutation caused reduced size and abnormal morphology of gastrulating mouse embryos, supporting the importance of coordinated embryo size, lineage specification and tissue morphogenesis for normal embryogenesis.
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