
Enhanced Memory for Central Visual and Auditory Elements Experienced During a Stressful Episode

Behavioural brain research(2023)

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Acute psychosocial stress has been shown to benefit memory for central visual elements of a stressful episode. Here, we aimed at investigating whether this effect is accompanied by improved visual memory for the committee members in a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Specifically, we tested participants´ recognition memory for accessories located on the bodies of the committee members, as well as their faces. Moreover, we investigated how stress influences memories for the content of the verbal interactions. That is, we studied how well participants remembered factual information associated with the main stress source, like name, age, and position of the committee members, as well as how accurately they could recite the exact wording of phrases used by them. In a counterbalanced 2 × 2 design, 77 men and women took part either in a stressful or non-stressful version of the TSST. While stressed participants better remembered personal information about the committee members than non-stressed participants, no differences in memory for the correct wording of phrases could be observed. Furthermore, in line with our hypothesis, stressed participants better remembered central, but not peripheral visual stimuli, compared to non-stressed participants, while, contrary to our expectations, stress did neither affect memory for objects located on the bodies of the committee members nor their faces. Our results are in line with the theory of enhanced memory binding under stress and extend previous results regarding improved memory for central visual elements encoded under stress to auditory learning material associated with the stressor.
TSST,Acute stress,Cortisol,Encoding,Recognition memory
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