
Path Planning Algorithm of Intelligent Unmanned Inspection Vehicle

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical System in Smart City - Volume 1(2023)

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The rapid development of modern power grids has put forward new requirements and challenges for power inspection operations. Traditional manual inspection methods have been not easy to satisfy the needs of power grid inspections. In response to the problem, a large number of electric power enterprises and scientific research institutes have carried out extensive research and technical research, and have achieved a series of advanced results in the field of electric power inspection technology and application. The purpose of this article is to analyze the path planning algorithm for intelligent unmanned inspection vehicles. The operation process and body design of the inspection vehicle are analyzed, and the application of GA algorithm in path generation and planning is introduced. A piecewise Bezier curve generation path is proposed. A special simulation experiment is designed for the BOBCIGA algorithm conceived in this paper, and the influence of the parameter values in different fitness functions on the experimental results is deeply analyzed. According to the results, it can be intuitively seen that the BOBCIGA algorithm mentioned in this article close to the optimum and meets the needs of the actual project. Meanwhile, compared with the simulation results of the A* algorithm, the BOBCIGA algorithm can obtain a good solution in the complex, changeable and random obstacle environment.
Unmanned inspection vehicle, Intelligent inspection, Path planning, Planning algorithm
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