Graph Learning for Interactive Threat Detection in Heterogeneous Smart Home Rule Data.

Proc. ACM Manag. Data(2023)

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The interactions among automation configuration rule data have led to undesired and insecure issues in smart homes, which are known as interactive threats. Most existing solutions use program analysis to identify interactive threats among automation rules, which is not suitable for closed-source platforms. Meanwhile, security policy-based solutions suffer from low detection accuracy because the pre-defined security policies in a single platform can hardly cover diverse interactive threat types across heterogeneous platforms. In this paper, we propose Glint, the first graph learning-based system for interactive threat detection in smart homes. We design a multi-scale graph representation learning model, called ITGNN, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous interaction graph pattern learning. To facilitate graph learning, we build large interaction graph training datasets by multi-domain data fusion from five different platforms. Moreover, Glint detects drifting samples with contrastive learning and improves the generalization ability with transfer learning across heterogeneous platforms. Our evaluation shows that Glint achieves 95.5% accuracy in detecting interactive threats across the five platforms. Besides, we examine a set of user-designed blueprints in the Home Assistant platform and reveal four new types of real-world interactive threats, called "action block", "action ablation", "trigger intake", and "condition duplicate", which are cross-platform interactive threats captured by Glint.
interactive threat detection,graph learning
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