
Horizontal distribution of tropospheric NO<sub>2</sub> and aerosols derived by dual-scan multi-wavelength MAX-DOAS measurements in Uccle, Belgium


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Abstract. Dual-scan ground-based Multi-AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) measurements of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and aerosols have been carried out in Uccle (50.8° N, 4.35° E; Brussels region, Belgium) for two years, from March 2018 to February 2020. The MAX-DOAS instrument has been operating in both UV and Visible wavelength ranges in a dual-scan configuration consisting of two sub-modes: (1) an elevation scan in a fixed viewing azimuthal direction and (2) an azimuthal scan in a fixed low elevation angle (2°). By analyzing the O4 and NO2 dSCDs at six different wavelength intervals along every azimuthal direction and by applying a new Optimal-Estimation-based inversion approach, the horizontal distribution of the NO2 near-surface concentrations and vertical column densities (VCDs) and the aerosols near-surface extinction coefficient are retrieved along ten azimuthal directions. The retrieved horizontal NO2 concentration profiles allow the identification of the main NO2 hotspots in the Brussels area. Correlative comparisons of the retrieved horizontal NO2 distribution have been conducted with airborne, mobile, and satellite datasets, and overall a good agreement is found. The comparison with TROPOMI observations reveals that the characterization of the horizontal distribution of tropospheric NO2 VCDs by ground-based measurements, the appropriate sampling of TROPOMI pixels, and an adequate a priori NO2 profile shape in TROPOMI retrievals lead to a better consistency between satellite and ground-based datasets.
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