Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation Dynamics During Cervical Carcinogenesis

Jianfang Li, Wen Teng,Yuan Wang, Yuan Tan,Dongmei Zhou, Ting Cao,Yuhua Ou, Caizhou Zhong, Yingqing Deng, Wei Li, Jieying Xu, Ting Wang, Yongkun Ji, Huilong Long,Linlang Guo,Qianqian Liu,Lipai Chen,Ruiyu Xie,Xiping Luo,Xiujie Sheng,Xinke Zhou,Deqiang Sun

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background Cervical cancer is the second most common gynaecological tumor of women worldwide, however, the molecular mechanism for the cervical carcinogenesis remains elusive. Current study provides a series of genome-wide DNA methylation blueprints of normal cervix and cervical cancers using Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing. Results DNA methylation dynamic alternations during cervical carcinogenesis were focused on the signal pathway of TGF-beta and epidermal growth factor, which could be used to monitor the treatment response and Tumorigenesis. Transcription factor of E2F6, MBD2 and STAT3 were interfered by aberrant methylation in cancer development. Furthermore, those identified novel methylation markers for the risk of progression along the spectrum of lesion grades could provide new insights into the prevention and treatment. Conclusion DNA methylation signature in cervical cancers can serve as valuable epigenetic markers to guide the clinical treatment. The epigenetic features detected in this study can be exploited for previously unidentified biomarker and prognostic marker development.
dna methylation dynamics,carcinogenesis,genome-wide
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