Shortening of Leucocyte Telomerase Length Is Independently Correlated With High Body Mass Index and Subcutaneous Obesity (Predominantly Truncal), in Asian Indian Women With Prediabetes

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Introduction: Leucocyte telomerase length (LTL) are inked to accelerate aging and premature mortality. In this research, we aimed to explore the relations between biochemical and anthropometry markers and LTL in Asian Indian women with prediabetes.Methods: In this study, 797 prediabetic women (aged 20-60 years, obese, 492; non obese, 305) were recruited. Demographic and clinical profiles, medical history, skin exposure and duration of sunlight exposure were determined. Anthropometry, fasting blood glucose and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH) D] were evaluated. LTL was quantified by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The study subjects were separated into quartiles groups according to the LTL.Results: The average telomerase length (T/S) ratio was significantly decreased with increasing age. The average telomerase length (T/S) ratio was significantly shorter in obese women with prediabetes (p<0.05). Univariate and multivariable linear regression analysis after adjustment for age, family income, education and hypertension showed that LTL was inversely correlated with body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumference, waist-hip and waist-to-height ratio, and truncal skinfolds (subscapular, lateral thoracic, and subscapular/triceps ratio, central and total). Multivariable linear regression analysis identified BMI (93%, p<0.0001), central (92%, p<0.0001) and total skinfolds (90%, p<0.0001) as independent predictors of LTL. Conclusions: Besides age, obesity, and subcutaneous adiposity (predominantly truncal) are major contributors to telomerase shortening in Asian Indian women with prediabetes.
leucocyte telomerase length,prediabetes,high body mass index,body mass index,subcutaneous obesity
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