
Investigation of the Dependence of the Yield of Neutrons and Protons of the DD Reaction from Ti and CVD Diamond on the Target Rotation Angle

Surface investigation x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques/Journal of surface investigation x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques(2023)

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At the HELIS ion accelerator, the dependence of the yield of DD nuclear-reaction products (neutrons and protons) on the angle of rotation of a Ti and CVD diamond (diamond obtained by chemical vapor deposition) target relative to the axis of the D+ ion beam at energies of E ≤ 35 keV is studied. Neutron detection is carried out by two independent methods: proportional counters filled with 3He and a scintillation detector with a stilbene crystal. Protons are detected using a diamond detector. The detectors are located on the side and behind the target. The CVD-diamond target has a polycrystalline structure and texture with the (100) grain orientation. The crystal structure of the titanium target is homogeneous and isotropic. The measurements show the dependence of the neutron flux recorded by the detectors located on the side and behind the target on the orientation of the target made of textured CVD diamond in the deuterium ion beam at energies of 25 and 30 keV. The proton yield from the CVD diamond target shows a dependence on the target-rotation angle at an energy of 25 keV. For the Ti target, no such effects are observed. The orientational dependence in the yield of neutrons and protons from textured diamond is explained by the effect of channeling deuterium ions in its structure.
DD-reaction yield,interaction of neutrons with matter,ion accelerator,neutron detector,CVD diamond
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