The Art of Counselling in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer: Explorative Investigation Among Perceptions of Health Professionals in Southern Italy.

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background. Recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) patients show a poor prognosis, which has not changed significantly for 30 years. Preserve the quality of life represent a primary aim for this subset of patients.Methods. A group of 19 nineteen physicians, working in South of Italy, and daily involved in H&N cancer care took an online anonymous survey aiming to disclose the knowledge level and communication techniques application in the daily patients care. Results. Several specialists consider that patient involvement in therapeutic choices is mandatory. The main obstacles for a complete and reciprocate communication still consist in the lack of time and staff but also in the need for greater organization, which goes beyond the multidisciplinary strategy already used. Conclusions. A greater impulse to training and updating on issues related to counselling my improve communication between the different clinicians involved in the treatment plan.
neck cancer,counselling,treatment
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