TPGen: Prescription Generation Using Knowledge-guided Translator


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Abstract Background: Prescriptions contain a lot of clinical information and play a pivotal role in the clinical diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is a combination of herb to treat the symptoms of a patient from decision-making of doctors. In the process of clinical decision-making, a large number of prescriptions have been invented and accumulated based on TCM theories. Mining complex and the regular relationships between symptoms and herbs in the prescriptions are important for both clinical practice and novel prescription development. Previous work used several machine learning methods to discover regularities and generate prescriptions but rarely used TCM knowledge to guide prescription generation and described why each herb is predicted for treating a symptom. Methods: In this work, we employ a machine translation mechanism and propose a novel sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) architecture termed TPGen to generate prescriptions. TPGen consisting of an encoder and a decoder is a well-known framework for resolving the machine translation problem in the natural language processing (NLP) domain. We use the lite transformer and Bi-directional Gate Recurrent Units(Bi-GRUS) as a fundamental model in TPGen, and integrate TCM clinical knowledge to guide the model improvement termed TPGen+. Results: We conduct extensive experiments on a public TCM dataset and clinical data. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model is effective and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in TCM expert evaluation. The approach will be beneficial for clinical prescription discovery and diagnosis
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