Automated detection of sacroiliitis on plain radiograph using EfficientDet algorithm in young patients with back pain: a pilot study

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background A computer algorithm that automatically detects sacroiliac joint abnormalities on plain radiograph would help radiologists avoid missing sacroiliitis. This study aimed to develop and validate a deep learning model to detect and diagnose sacroiliitis on plain radiograph in young patients with low back pain. Methods This Institutional Review Board-approved retrospective study included 478 and 468 plain radiographs from 241 and 433 young (< 40 years) patients who complained of low back pain with and without ankylosing spondylitis, respectively. They were randomly split into training and test datasets with a ratio of 8:2. Radiologists reviewed the images and labeled the coordinates of a bounding box and determined the presence or absence of sacroiliitis for each sacroiliac joint. We fine-tined and optimized the EfficientDet-D4 object detection model pre-trained on the COCO 2107 dataset on the training dataset and validated the final model on the test dataset. Results The mean average precision, an evaluation metric for object detection accuracy, was 0.918 at 0.5 intersection over union. In the diagnosis of sacroiliitis, the area under the curve, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and F1-score were 0.932 (95% confidence interval, 0.903–0.961), 96.9% (92.9–99.0), 86.8% (81.5–90.9), 91.1% (87.7–93.7), and 90.2% (85.0–93.9), respectively. Conclusions The EfficientDet, a deep learning-based object detection algorithm, could be used to automatically diagnose sacroiliitis on plain radiograph.
sacroiliitis,back pain,plain radiograph,young patients
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