Modelling the impact of soil processes on the N and O isotope signatures of nitrate in groundwater


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<p>Stable isotope fingerprinting is widely applied to plant-soil-groundwater systems in an aim to identify and even quantify the sources of nitrates found in groundwater. Frequently, in such studies, the <em>&#948;</em><sup>15</sup>N and <em>&#948;</em><sup>18</sup>O values of nitrogen sources, such as inorganic fertilizers and manure, are directly compared to the isotope signatures of nitrate encountered in groundwater bodies below agricultural watersheds. We submit that the underlying assumptions (conservative behavior of isotope composition, rapid transfer from surface to groundwater) may only be realistic under very specific conditions whereas, in most cases, significant isotope effects exerted by the soil-microbial-plant system on the <em>&#948;</em><sup>15</sup>N and <em>&#948;</em><sup>18</sup>O values of nitrate need to be taken into account when attempting a quantitative apportionment of sources of groundwater nitrate.</p><p>We hypothesise that the isotopic signature of nitrate exported from below the root zone and migrating towards the groundwater will reflect the nitrogen isotope composition of the soil organic N pool, rather than the isotope composition of source fertilizer or organic amendments, due to processes that reset source isotope compositions within soil N pools. We test this hypothesis using empirical observations from a diversity of settings, in France, Spain and Canada with a relatively constant historic anthropogenic N source or a simple and well constrained landuse history. Furthermore, through the use of a process-based model (SIMSONIC, Billy et al., 2010) we estimate to what extent the isotopic composition of the predominant N input to the soil-microbial-plant system and the soil N pool has been modified in an attempt to consider these changes in source apportionment studies elucidating the sources of groundwater nitrate.</p><p>This research was supported through the Consortium award MUTUAL, by the LE STUDIUM&#174; Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies via its SMART LOIRE VALLEY (SLV) fellowship programme, co-funded by the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme, Contract No. 665790.</p><p>&#160;</p><p>Billy C., Billen G., Sebilo M., Birgand F., Tournebize J. (2010) Nitrogen isotopic composition of leached nitrate and soil organic matter as an indicator of denitrification in a sloping drained agricultural plot and adjacent uncultivated riparian buffer strips. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42, 108-117.</p>
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