Exploring the role of exposure to green space in preventing anxiety and depression among young people aged 14-24 living in urban settings: a systematic review


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Abstract Background Despite the growing problem of anxiety and depression amongst young people aged 14-24 years living in urban settings, reviews about the role of exposure to green space or nature in preventing anxiety and depression tend to focus on children, adults or sometimes adolescents. This review aims to explore whether, and if so how, exposure to green space reduces the risk of anxiety and depression among young people aged 14-24 living in urban settings.MethodsCINAHL plus, Global Health, MEDLINE, ProQuest: Dissertations and Theses, PsycINFO, Scopus and OpenGrey were searched for research published in English between January 2000 and June 2020, including all study designs. Results 9,208 sources were identified and 48 were included. Experimental studies provided evidence that walking or being in a green space improves mood and state anxiety immediately following the intervention. Observational studies suggest that social interaction, physical activity, and mindfulness mediate the relationship between exposure to green space and mental health. We propose that the absence of noise and traffic and the presence of nature promotes mindfulness and restoration.ConclusionsThis review provides evidence to clinicians about the value of green social prescribing, and to policymakers about the value of bringing the benefits of forests, vegetation and nature into cities, and ensuring that these spaces are accessible and safe for young people to use.
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