Risk Factors for Severe 30-d Complications After Minimally Invasive Radical Cystectomy With Ileal Conduit


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Abstract Background: To investigate the risk factors for severe complications within 30 days in patients receiving minimally invasive radical cystectomy with ileal conduit(MIRCIC).Methods: 270 consecutive patients who underwent MIRCIC between January 1, 2013 and August 1, 2020 were included. All complications were graded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification(CDC). The comprehensive complication index(CCI) for all complications in each patient was calculated. CDC ≥ Ⅲ or CCI > 33.7 were considered to be severe complications. Univariate and multivariate analysis were conducted by SPSS26.Results: A total of 691 complications were collected from 236 patients and the corresponding overall complications rate was 87.41% (236/270). Patients with CDC ≥ Ⅲ accounted for 23.70% and the incidence of CCI > 33.7 was 22.96%. For the highest CDC grade ≥ Ⅲ, in univariate analysis, the following seven variants were enrolled in a multivariate analysis: BMI (P=0.010), baseline albumin(P=0.065), pT (P=0.082), pN (P=0.026), pTNM (P=0.016), intraoperative blood transfusion (P=0.031), estimated blood loss (P=0.001). In multivariate analysis, BMI ≥ 30kg/m2 (P=0.012) and estimated blood loss ≥ 400ml (P=0.005) were the independent risk factors of CDC ≥ Ⅲ. Hydronephrosis (P=0.050), BMI (P=0.006), pT (P=0.004), pN (P=0.019), pTNM (P=0.000), operative time (P=0.030), estimated blood loss (P=0.001) were the relevant factors in CCI > 33.7. However, BMI ≥ 30kg/m2 (P=0.004) and estimated blood loss (P=0.002) were the independent risk factors of CCI > 33.7.Conclusion: BMI ≥ 30kg/m2 and estimated blood loss ≥ 400ml were found to be independent predictors of 30-d severe complications (CDC ≥ Ⅲ or CCI > 33.7) in patients who underwent MIRCIC.
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