
Reliability of Ultrasound in the Assessment of Muscle Thickness in Critically Ill Children

Anales de pediatría(2023)

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Introduction: Ultrasound has been used to quantify and qualify muscle morphology in critically ill children and can detect changes in muscle thickness. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of ultrasound measurement of muscle thickness in critically ill children and to compare the assessments made by an expert with those made by inexperienced sonographers.Material and methods: Cross-sectional observational study conducted in the paediatric inten-sive care unit of a tertiary care university hospital in Brazil. The sample included patients aged 1 month to 12 years who received invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours. Ultra-sound images of the biceps brachii/brachialis and quadriceps femoris were obtained by one experienced sonographer and several inexperienced sonographers. We assessed intrarater and inter-rater reliability by means of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plot analysis. Results: Muscle thickness was measured in 10 children with a mean age of 15.5 months. The mean thickness of the assessed muscles was 1.14 cm for the biceps brachii/brachialis (standard deviation [SD]: 0.27) and 1.85 cm for the quadriceps femoris (SD: 0.61). The intrarater and inter-rater reliability were good for all sonographers (ICC > 0.81). The differences were small, there was no significant bias in the Bland-Altman plots and all measurements were within the limits of agreement, except for 1 measurement of biceps and quadriceps. Conclusion: Sonography can be used in critically ill children to accurately assess changes in muscle thickness, even by different evaluators. More studies are needed to establish a standar-dised approach to the use of ultrasound for monitoring muscle loss in order to incorporate it in clinical practice.& COPY; 2023 Asociacion Espanola de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( 4.0/).
Paediatric critical care,Ultrasound,Reliability,Muscle thickness,Children
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