
More than a Meeting: Identifying the needs of the community-based seniors’ services sector with a research partnership

Research Square (Research Square)(2020)

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Abstract Background : Through a weakening of the welfare state, many economically developed countries have seen a decline in publicly funded community programming. Within this context of hollowed-out services for community-dwelling older adults, community-based seniors’ service (CBSS) organizations have been increasingly tasked to deliver programs to enable independence, health and social connections for older citizens. In response, CBSS leaders have taken steps to organize as a unified sector and have expanded their partnerships with researchers and universities to enhance and track this work. The primary objective of this study was to capture of the current needs of CBSS leaders in British Columbia, Canada, who attended a seminal event in the CBSS sector’s development – the inaugural Summit on Aging (i.e. the Summit). Hosting and evaluating The Summit was a collaborative effort between CBSS organizations and a university-based research team. The secondary objective of this study was to understand the value of hosting the Summit for those who attended. Methods : We implemented a mixed-method evaluation plan, which included: a pre- (n=79) and post-event online survey (n=76); thematic notes from six breakout sessions, 4 large group sessions, and ethnographic observations from each day of the Summit; and a 6-month post-Summit semi-structured telephone interview (n=22). Results : Summit delegates identified key opportunities to strengthen the CBSS as a sector, including enhanced collaboration; improved mechanisms that foster connecting and collaborating; and more resources (i.e. funding, trained personnel) to increase their capacity to deliver respond to current and future service demands. Overall, participants found the Summit to be a worthwhile event; it provided a venue to strategize as to how to meet sector needs. Conclusions : In the context of aging societies and a decline in direct support from the state, we must more meaningfully invest and support the vital work that CBSSs are increasingly providing to older citizens. Here we determine key needs within the CBSS and highlight how an event such as the Summit, can help facilitate collaboration, connections and resources. Our community-based research partnership maximized our collective efforts to robustly capture the changing needs of an evolving sector.
seniors,services sector,research partnership,community-based
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