
New Glacier Inventory of the Russian glaciers based on Sentinel images (2017/2018).


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We present new Glacier Inventory of the Russian glaciers based on Sentinel images (2017/2018).The modern reduction in the size of glaciers is accompanied by the activation of natural processes leading to catastrophic consequences, changes in landscapes and prevailing nature management practices. To reduce risks and adapt to the consequences of ongoing changes, relevant data on the state of glacial systems are needed. In Russia, extensive glaciation is present in the Arctic zone, and in its continental part there are 18 mountain-glacial systems. According to the Glacier Inventory of the USSR in the mid-twentieth century in Russia there were 7167 glaciers with a total area of ​​60103, 99 km2. Of these, 685 glaciers with an area of ​​56,127.2 km2 accounted for the Arctic archipelagos. Despite the ever-increasing amount of information from space, and experimental studies in a number of glacial regions, a complete and reliable picture of the state of glaciation in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century has not been available to date.The project aims to develop and create a unified information basis for the study of glacial regions of Russia using geoinformation technologies. The initial data were collected and systematized to assess the current state of Russia's glaciers: data from previous inventories, maps, historical and modern aerial and space images, digital elevation models. A classification of possible catastrophic phenomena of glacial genesis was developed: dynamically unstable glaciers, glacier lakes, icebergs, etc. The structure of the database for the study of Russian glaciers is developed, compatible with world and national data archives. Implementation of the project allowed to gain new knowledge about the state of Russian glaciers.The presentation includes the results obtained in the framework of the following research projects: № 0148-2019-0004 of the Research Plan of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, № 05/2019/RGS-RFBR supported by the Russian Geographical Society, № 18-05-60067 supported by RFBR.
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