
Estimating Biomass Using SAR Altimetry Data Onboard the Copernicus Sentinel-3 Mission: the ALBIOM Project


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The ALtimetry for BIOMass project (ALBIOM) is ESA-funded Permanent Open Call Project that proposes to derive forest biomass using Copernicus Sentinel-3 (S3) SAR altimeter data. The project targets the need to improve our current global observations of biomass as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) and crucial for bioenergy, risk mitigation activities, and sustainable management of forests. The overall goal is to estimate biomass with sufficient accuracy to be able to increase the existing satellite data for biomass retrieval and to improve the global mapping and monitoring of this fundamental variable.The project originates from evidence that radar altimetry backscatter over land responds to a variety of land parameters, including vegetation-related parameters, at the different bands used by past and existing altimeters.To achieve the scientific objectives, the project is structured into six conceptual tasks. After a review of the literature and of the existing user needs, a sensitivity analysis is performed to understand the relationship between SAR altimetry backscatter data and land parameters themselves. This is followed by the development of a Sentinel-3 SAR altimeter backscatter simulator over vegetated areas, and then by the development of a biomass inversion algorithm, testing different retrieval methodologies, both theoretical and empirical. A validation task for both the model and the algorithm is carried out over specific test sites of boreal and tropical forests, to finally generate a prototype of biomass product to be reviewed by potential users.The sensitivity analysis allows to understand how the S3 Level 1 backscatter power waveforms change with respect to varying biomass, but also how they are affected by other land parameters such as soil moisture, land cover, topography and roughness. This analysis is carried out considering both the single-looked and the multi-looked waveforms, and considering primarily the high-resolution SAR mode, but also the Pseudo Low Resolution Mode (PLRM). The outcome of the sensitivity analysis provides indication of what waveforms, acquisition mode, observables derived from the waveforms and characteristics of the waveforms themselves respond more strongly to biomass variations, and on the degree of influence of the other auxiliary parameters, informing on the best strategies and approaches to adopt for the development of the retrieval algorithm.Subsequent to the sensitivity analysis, the S3 altimetry backscatter simulator is developed over vegetated areas, reproducing both the coherent scattering component, which represents the echo from the ground, and incoherent scattering component arising from the forest layers between the ground and the top of canopy. The approach followed is similar to that of the SAVERS simulator, developed for GNSS-Reflectometry, with the signal backscatter attenuation introduced by branches, leaves and trunks modelled through the discrete approach of the Tor Vergata Scattering Model.Results from the sensitivity analysis and the initial stages of the simulation development will be presented and discussed at the conference, together with the foreseen approaches for the development of the biomass retrieval algorithm.
Forest Biomass Estimation,Polarimetric SAR
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