
Tectonic implications of the metamorphic field gradient in the Austrian Drosendorf and Gföhl units, Moldanubian Zone


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<p>The Moldanubian Zone in Austria is traditionally subdivided into several tectonostratigraphic subunits, which were juxtaposed to their nowadays position during the Variscan orogeny. The Gf&#246;hl unit at the highest tectonic position exposes the Moldanubian granulites at the top, underlain by the granitic Gf&#246;hl orthogneiss. At its base lies the Raabs unit, a sequence of mafic rocks (amphibolites and sepentinites) accompanied by metasediments. The Drosendorf unit represents a sedimentary sequence mainly consisting of paragneisses, amphibolites and marbles. At the lowest position the Ostrong unit is dominated by low-P paragneisses with local appearances of eclogites.<br>A comprehensive study along four W&#8211;E profiles from the Danube valley (P1) in the south, to the Thaya valley (P4) in the north, revealed a disparate distribution of metamorphic conditions within the Drosendorf and the Gf&#246;hl units (Raabs unit and Gf&#246;hl orthogneiss). Along P1 several lithologies of the investigated units show similar P&#8211;T conditions of 0.8&#8211;1.2 GPa and 750&#8211;800 &#176;C, followed by a decompression stage to 0.6&#8211;0.8 GPa and ~750 &#176;C. Towards the north the temperature within the Drosendorf unit is continuously decreasing to 650&#8211;700 &#176;C, at pressure conditions of 0.4&#8211;0.8 GPa. P&#8211;T conditions for Raabs unit and Gf&#246;hl orthogneiss are decreasing as well but are increasing again at P4. At the western end of P4 they reach similar conditions as in P1 (0.6&#8211;1.0 GPa and 725&#8211;800), but a decrease towards the east can be observed. A slight W&#8211;E decreasing trend is also observable in P2 and P3. Th&#8211;U&#8211;Pb microprobe dating of several metasedimentary and orthogneiss samples resulted in a Carboniferous age (~340 Ma) for metamorphism. At one locality in the south an older monazite generation indicates an incipient collisional metamorphism in the Devonian (~370 Ma).<br>The observed N&#8211;S gradient indicates that the southern parts represent formerly deeper buried lower crustal parts, whereas towards the north middle crustal levels are exposed, which were exhumed in a first stage. In a second stage of exhumation in the northernmost area, the oblique thrusting of lower crustal segment including the Gf&#246;hl unit onto the already exhumed lower-middle crustal parts caused the formation of a duplex structure, which is responsible for the present appearance of the area around the Drosendorf window.</p>
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