
Self-generated turbulence by plasmas and magnetic field collective interaction in 3D large temporal-spatial turbulent magnetic reconnection: I. The Basic Feature


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The role of turbulence is one of key issues for understanding the magnetic and plasma energy conversion, plasma heating and high energy particles acceleration in large temporal-spatial scale turbulent magnetic reconnection (LTSTMR; observed current sheet thickness to characteristic electron length, Larmor radius for low-beta and electron inertial length for high-beta, ratios on the order of ten to the power of ten or higher; observed evolution time to electron cyclotron time ratios on the order of ten to the power of ten or higher) . Solar atmosphere activities (e.g., limbs, flares, coronal mass ejections, solar winds and so on), which are the most important phenomenon in the solar and Sun-Earth space systems, are typical LTSTMRs.Here we used our newly developed RHPIC-LBM algorithm[*] to perform the role of turbulence in the magnetic fluctuation-induced self-generating-organization (MF-ISGO), the turbulence in the plasma turbulence-induced self-feeding-sustaining (PT-ISFS), and the interaction of turbulence between MF-ISGO and PT-ISFS in the continuous kinetic-dynamic-hydro fully coupled LTSTMR. First, we find that the self-generated turbulence by magnetic field and plasma motion collective interaction include two fully coupled processes of 1) fluid vortex induced magnetic reconnection (MR) and 2) MR induced fluid vortex. The Biermann battery effect and alpha-effect can not only generate magnetic fields, but can server them to trigger MR, the Spitzer resistance and turbulence resistance (beta-effect) can not only generate magnetic eddies, but can server them to trigger fluid turbulence. Then, we find that these interaction leads to vortex splitting and phase separating instabilities, and there are four species instabilities coexist in the evolution process. 1) Vortex separation interface instabilities. 2)Magnetic fluctuation-induced self-generating-organization instabilities. 3) Plasma turbulence-induced self-feeding-sustaining instabilities. 4) Vortex shedding instabilities.Finally, the nuanced details of the magnetic topological structure and the topological characterization of flow structures in plasma of the simulated 3D LTSTMR are also presented.The characterization of turbulence anisotropy and the turbulence acceleration of the LTSTMR are presented in Part II and Part III of this three-paper series study.*Techniques and algorithms for RHPIC-LBM have been developed in previous studies (e.g.,Zhu2020a, Zhu2020b)ReferencesZhu, B. J., Yan, H., Zhong, Y., et al. 2020a, Appl Math Model, 78, 932, doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.09.043Zhu, B. J., Yan, H., Zhong, Y., et al. 2020b, Appl Math Model, 78, 968,doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.05.027
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