
Chemical-mechanical-hydraulic coupling in deforming, dehydrating halite-gypsum rocks - implications for basal detachments in thin-skinned tectonics


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<p>Long-distance transport along weak basal detachments in thin-skinned tectonics is often accomplished by rheologically weak evaporites. This weakness can be attributed to&#160; the behavior of gypsum and/or halite. While the former dehydrates and the released fluid reduces the effective stress in the system, the latter is known to be extremely weak at the corresponding conditions. Separately, both minerals and their behavior under tectonic loading have been studied in great detail. However, these studies on single minerals are limited in that natural detachments are often not monomineralic and are clearly affected by interdependencies between different mineral species. In evaporitic sequences, two key couplings that can be expected are: 1) the sensitivity of the dehydration reaction to the pore fluid pressure versus the notoriously low permeability of rock salt (a potentially negative feedback), and 2) the exposure of halite to undersaturated water released from the gypsum dehydration reaction, versus the response of the dehydration reaction to lower water activity due to dissolved salt species (a potentially positive feedback).&#160;</p><p>Here we present insights from experiments that used time-resolved (4D) synchrotron tomographic microscopy and our x-ray transparent triaxial deformation rig Mj&#248;lnir to document the evolution of layered gypsum-halite samples that were simultaneously deformed and dehydrated. Our data, which were acquired at the TOMCAT beamline at the Swiss Light Source, allow us to visualise chemical-hydraulic-mechanical feedbacks on the grain scale, and quantify the microscale evolution of transport properties. In this contribution, we show that gypsum dehydration affects the capacity of the halite layers to retain the liberated fluids. The reaction itself generates the pore fluid pressure to create permeability in the salt layers through hydraulic fracturing. Dissolved salt significantly accelerates the reaction, and the evolving interconnected porosity facilitates the transport and precipitation of solutes, which contributes to the rheological complexity. These insights have, potentially significant, repercussions on the long-standing assumption about the significance of the gypsum dehydration on thrust fault formation within evaporitic sequences.</p>
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