
Delays in Diagnosis and Treatment of Vaccine Preventable Community Acquired Bacterial Meningitis (CABM): a Retrospective Analysis at Three Tertiary Care Centers


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Abstract Background Outcomes in community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) are significantly impacted by delays in diagnosis and treatment. This retrospective case series aims to describe the sociodemographic, epidemiological, and clinical variables including time to diagnosis and treatment of vaccine preventable CABM in three tertiary care settings in New York City (NYC). Methods A retrospective chart review was conducted of patients at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC), Children’s Hospital of New York (CHONY), Mount Sinai Health System, and Weill Cornell Medical Center with CABM due to Haemophilus influenzae type B, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2017. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results Our case series consisted of 36 patients, 24 (66.7%) females, and 12 (33.33%) males with a median age of 42 years (IQR 55 years). Median time from presentation to lumbar puncture (LP) was eight hours (IQR 7). The median time from hospital presentation to diagnosis was 12 hours (IQR 9), and the median time from LP to diagnosis was three hours (IQR 5). Delay in diagnosis which is defined by more than 8 hours from hospital presentation, occurred in 13 patients (36.1%) due to initial misdiagnosis, most commonly systemic febrile and/or viral infections and otitis media. Conclusions Despite evidence of the importance of early diagnosis and treatment for CABM, this case series shows the ongoing challenges with early clinical diagnosis. Misdiagnoses were an underlying reason for delays from presentation to LP and to antibiotic treatment in the majority of our patients. This study in NYC identifies ongoing major delays in diagnosis and antimicrobial treatment in CABM, and future studies are needed to identify mechanisms to improve time to antibiotic treatment and LP in CABM.
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