Identification of plasmids co-carrying cfr(D)/optrA and cfr(D2)/poxtA linezolid resistance genes in two Enterococcus avium isolates from swine brain.

Veterinary microbiology(2023)

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Oxazolidinones are critically important antibiotics to treat human infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria, therefore the occurrence of linezolid-resistant enterococci from food-producing animals poses a serious risk to human health. In this study, Enterococcus avium 38157 and 44917 strains, isolated from the brain of two unrelated piglets, were found to carry the linezolid resistance genes cfr(D)-optrA, and cfr(D2)-poxtA, respectively. Whole genome sequencing analysis of E. avium 38157 revealed that the genes were co-located on the 36.5-kb pEa_cfr(D)-optrA plasmid showing high identity with the pAT02-c of Enterococcus faecium AT02 from pet food. The optrA region, was 99% identical to the one of the pAv-optrA plasmid from a bovine Aerococcus viridans strain, whereas the cfr(D) genetic context was identical to that of the plasmid 2 of E. faecium 15-307.1. pEa_cfr(D)-optrA was not transferable to enterococcal recipients. In E. avium 44917 a cfr(D)-like gene, named cfr(D2), and the poxtA gene were co-located on the transferable 42.6-kb pEa-cfr(D2)-poxtA plasmid 97% identical to the Tn6349 transposon of the human MRSA AOUC-0915. The cfr(D2) genetic context, fully replaced the Tn6644 that in S. aureus AOUC-0915 harbor the cfr gene. In conclusion, this is, the best of our knowledge, the first report of the new cfr(D2) gene variant. The occurrence of plasmids co-carrying two linezolid resistance genes in enterococci from food-producing animals needs close surveillance to prevent their spread to human pathogens.
Enterococcus avium, Swine brain, Oxazolidinone resistance, Cfr(D), Cfr(D2), OptrA, PoxtA, Conjugative plasmid
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