
The ancient CgPEPCK-1, not CgPECK-2, evolved into a multifunctional molecule as an intracellular enzyme and extracellular PRR.

Xiaoting Yin,Limei Qiu, Dandan Long,Zhao Lv,Qing Liu, Senyu Wang,Weiqian Zhang, Kexin Zhang, Mengxi Xie

Developmental and comparative immunology(2023)

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Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) is a well-known lyase involved in gluconeogenesis, while their evolution and function differentiation have not been fully understood. In this study, by constructing a phylogenetic tree to examine PEPCKs throughout the evolution from poriferans to vertebrates, Mollusk was highlighted as the only phylum to exhibit two distinct lineages, Mollusca_PEPCK-1 and Mollusca_PEPCK-2. Further study of two representative members from Crassostrea gigas (CgPEPCK-1 and CgPEPCK-2) showed that they both shared conserved sequences and structural characteristics of the catalytic enzyme, while CgPEPCK-2 displayed a higher expression level than CgPEPCK-1 in all tested tissues, and CgPEPCK-1 was specifically implicated in the immune defense against LPS stimulation and Vibrio splendidus infection. Functional analysis revealed that CgPEPCK-2 had stronger enzymatic activity than CgPEPCK-1, while CgPEPCK-1 exhibited stronger binding activity with various PAMPs, and only the protein of CgPEPCK-1 increased significantly in hemolymph during immune stimulation. All results supported that distinct sequence and function differentiations of the PEPCK gene family should have occurred since Mollusk. The more advanced evolutionary branch Mollusca_PEPCK-2 should preserve its essential function as a catalytic enzyme to be more specialized and efficient, while the ancient branch Mollusca_PEPCK-1 probably contained some members, such as CgPEPCK-1, that should be integrated into the immune system as an extracellular immune recognition receptor.
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