
Family-Centered Qualitative Study for an Empathic Understanding of Acute Pain Experience in Pediatric Non Hispanic White and Non Hispanic Black Cohorts

˜The œjournal of pain/Journal of pain(2023)

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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic autoimmune condition of childhood which frequently presents with joint pain.In some patients, pain persists even when disease activity is well controlled (Tesher, 2021).Few risk factors for chronic pain in childhood arthritis have been identified.However, low resilience is associated with increased pain in juvenile fibromyalgia (Gmuca, 2019).Low psychological resilience has never been evaluated as a potential risk factor for chronic pain in JIA.In this study, 52 children with JIA completed the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-25), numeric pain intensity and overall wellbeing ratings, and the PROMIS Pediatric Pain Interference (PPI) Short Form.Participants' parents also completed the CD-RISC-25 and provided demographic information.Chart review collected data about participants' arthritis history and clinical status at the time of study participation.Participant CD-RISC-25 scores demonstrated a Pearson correlation coefficient of r = -0.09(p = 0.53) with numeric pain ratings during study participation, and comparison of participant CD-RISC-25 scores to participants' assessment of their overall well-being demonstrated a correlation coefficient of r = -0.22(p = 0.12).When CD-RISC-25 scores were compared to pain interference as rated by PPI scores, the correlation coefficient was r = -0.35(p = 0.01).Although no statistically significant relationship was identified between participant resilience scores and self-reported pain or overall selfassessed well-being, pain interference was inversely correlated to participant resilience levels.Future research should focus on low resilience as a potential predictor of functional impairment due to chronic pain in childhood arthritis.
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