
Exploring the Electrochemical Performance of 1, 3, 5-Benzenetricarboxylic Acid As an Organic Ligand on Various Metals for Hybrid Supercapacitors

Materials chemistry and physics(2023)

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High specific capacity, long-term cyclic stability, excellent energy densities, and rapid charging discharging rates are among few of crucial characteristics for energy storing devices to fulfill the energy requirements of contemporary technologies. These devices require the evolution of suitable electrode materials to overcome the fundamental energy demands. In this regards, metal organic frameworks (MOFs) have grasped an increasingly attention to be utilized as active material for energy storage applications due to their exceptional surface area, remarkable porosity, superior structure, and electrochemical performance. Herein, 1, 3, 5 benzenetricarbxylic acid organic linker was used to synthesize different lithium and manganese based MOFs. In three electrode assembly, the manganese(Mn)-MOF revealed higher specific capacity (Qs) as compared to lithium(Li) MOF. The hybrid device (battery-supercapacitor) is fabricated by considering Mn-MOF (due to its unique response) and an activated carbon as working and counter electrodes resulting in Qs of 253 C g 1 at 1.0 A g 1. It is also observed that the device has cyclic durability of 93% after 3000 GCD cycles exposing the power density (Ps) of 2560 W kg 1 and the energy density (Es) of 59.92 Wh kg 1. Moreover, Dunn's model was employed to clarify the capacitive (k1) and diffusive (k2) currents. These impressive electrochemical outcomes highlight the possibility of exploiting MOFs based electrode materials for supercapattery applications.
Metal organic framework,Organic ligand,Energy storage
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