Limitations of Chest Radiography in Diagnosing Subclinical Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Canada

Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes(2023)

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Subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is defined as “…a state of disease due to viable Mycobacterium tuberculosis that does not cause TB-related symptoms but does cause other abnormalities that can be detected using existing radiologic and mycobacteriologic assays.” In high-income countries, subclinical PTB is usually diagnosed during active case finding, is acid-fast bacilli smear negative, and associated with minimal or no lung parenchymal abnormality on chest radiograph. In the absence of symptoms, the epidemiologic risk of TB and chest radiograph are critical to making the diagnosis. In a cohort of 327 patients with subclinical PTB, we address the question—how well field radiologists perform at identifying features important to the diagnosis of PTB, the presence or absence of which have been established by a panel of expert radiologists? Although not performing badly compared with this “gold standard,” field readers were nevertheless susceptible to overread or underread films and miss key diagnostic features, such as the presence of a lung parenchymal abnormality, typical pattern, or cavitation. In the context of active case finding during which most patients with subclinical PTB are discovered, limitations of the chest radiograph need to be recognized, and sputum, ideally induced, should be submitted regardless of the radiographic findings.
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