(889) Off-Pump Less Invasive HeartMate3 LVAD Implantation is Safe and Feasible Compared to the On-Pump Technique

A. Goodman, M. Fryer, A. Jones, K. Wood, M. Bjelic,F. Paic, E. Thomas, M. Hack, H. Vidula, J. Alexis, C. Cheyne, K. Chase, W. Bernstein, D. Lindenmuth, J. Wyrobek,I. Gosev

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation(2023)

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Purpose: Our group previously reported the safety and feasibility of the off-pump HeartMate 3 left ventricular assist device in a small cohort of high-risk patients.We now present a larger cohort who underwent offpump HeartMate 3 LVAD placement, the majority via a less invasive approach.The study's primary objective was the safety and feasibility of the off-pump technique compared to the standard on-pump approach with an emphasis on the less invasive technique.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patients who underwent Heart-Mate 3 LVAD implantation at our institution since June of 2019.One hundred and sixty-one of these patients underwent on-pump implantation while 52 underwent off-pump implantation with 49 of them (94%) undergoing a less invasive approach which includes bilateral thoracotomies and thoracotomy with hemi-sternotomy.Results: Preoperative characteristics were similar between groups.More patients in the off-pump group were categorized as INTERMACS Profile 1 at the time of implant (67% vs 29% in the on-pump group, p<0.0001).There was no significant difference between total length of stay and in-hospital mortality between the two groups.Postoperative outcomes, including all major complications and short-term survival, were comparable between groups.Conclusion: Results from our single-center, retrospective analysis suggest that off-pump, less invasive LVAD implantation can be offered as a safe alternative for LVAD candidates in critical cardiogenic shock.
invasive heartmate3 lvad implantation,off-pump,on-pump
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