VS-TransGRU: A Novel Transformer-GRU-based Framework Enhanced by Visual-Semantic Fusion for Egocentric Action Anticipation


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Egocentric action anticipation is a challenging task that aims to make advanced predictions of future actions from current and historical observations in the first-person view. Most existing methods focus on improving the model architecture and loss function based on the visual input and recurrent neural network to boost the anticipation performance. However, these methods, which merely consider visual information and rely on a single network architecture, gradually reach a performance plateau. In order to fully understand what has been observed and capture the dependencies between current observations and future actions well enough, we propose a novel visual-semantic fusion enhanced and Transformer GRU-based action anticipation framework in this paper. Firstly, high-level semantic information is introduced to improve the performance of action anticipation for the first time. We propose to use the semantic features generated based on the class labels or directly from the visual observations to augment the original visual features. Secondly, an effective visual-semantic fusion module is proposed to make up for the semantic gap and fully utilize the complementarity of different modalities. Thirdly, to take advantage of both the parallel and autoregressive models, we design a Transformer based encoder for long-term sequential modeling and a GRU-based decoder for flexible iteration decoding. Extensive experiments on two large-scale first-person view datasets, i.e., EPIC-Kitchens and EGTEA Gaze+, validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which achieves new state-of-the-art performance, outperforming previous approaches by a large margin.
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