
Multi-Intent Detection in User Provided Annotations for Programming by Examples Systems

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In mapping enterprise applications, data mapping remains a fundamental part of integration development, but its time consuming. An increasing number of applications lack naming standards, and nested field structures further add complexity for the integration developers. Once the mapping is done, data transformation is the next challenge for the users since each application expects data to be in a certain format. Also, while building integration flow, developers need to understand the format of the source and target data field and come up with transformation program that can change data from source to target format. The problem of automatic generation of a transformation program through program synthesis paradigm from some specifications has been studied since the early days of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Programming by Example (PBE) is one such kind of technique that targets automatic inferencing of a computer program to accomplish a format or string conversion task from user-provided input and output samples. To learn the correct intent, a diverse set of samples from the user is required. However, there is a possibility that the user fails to provide a diverse set of samples. This can lead to multiple intents or ambiguity in the input and output samples. Hence, PBE systems can get confused in generating the correct intent program. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network based ambiguity prediction model, which analyzes the input-output strings and maps them to a different set of properties responsible for multiple intent. Users can analyze these properties and accordingly can provide new samples or modify existing samples which can help in building a better PBE system for mapping enterprise applications.
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