A deep learning approach for medication disposition and corresponding attributes extraction.

Journal of biomedical informatics(2023)

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OBJECTIVE:This article summarizes our approach to extracting medication and corresponding attributes from clinical notes, which is the focus of track 1 of the 2022 National Natural Language Processing (NLP) Clinical Challenges(n2c2) shared task. METHODS:The dataset was prepared using Contextualized Medication Event Dataset (CMED), including 500 notes from 296 patients. Our system consisted of three components: medication named entity recognition (NER), event classification (EC), and context classification (CC). These three components were built using transformer models with slightly different architecture and input text engineering. A zero-shot learning solution for CC was also explored. RESULTS:Our best performance systems achieved micro-average F1 scores of 0.973, 0.911, and 0.909 for the NER, EC, and CC, respectively. CONCLUSION:In this study, we implemented a deep learning-based NLP system and demonstrated that our approach of (1) utilizing special tokens helps our model to distinguish multiple medications mentions in the same context; (2) aggregating multiple events of a single medication into multiple labels improves our model's performance.
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