
Sarcopenia and Multisensory Integration Deficit in Post-COVID Syndrome Patients: The Clinical, Ultrasound and Robotic Evaluation Protocol in a Cross-sectional Study

American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation(2024)

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Introduction: Post-COVID syndrome affects relatively young outpatients with fatigue as the mostly reported symptom. We wondered whether sarcopenia could play a role. Methods: Seventy-four outpatients (median age: 53.8 yrs, 45 females), reporting fatigue and persistent mild neurological/motor deficits, completed the Clinical, Ultrasound and Robotic Evaluation protocol 4.8 mos after the infection. Results: The incidence of sarcopenia was 41%. Sarcopenic patients were older (62.7 vs. 46.4 yrs, P < 0.001), they experienced longer infection (33 vs. 24 days, P = 0.006) and higher incidence of hospitalization (86.6 vs. 29.5%, P < 0.001), they did not report more fatigue (44.5 vs. 48, P = 0.424), but they walked slower (1.27 vs. 1.5 m/sec, P = 0.027).After multivariable adjustment using multiple logistic regression, sarcopenia was dependent on age (odds ratio = 1.09) and on the duration of the disease (odds ratio = 1.04).When expressed as z score, in 79% of patients, the sway path during elastic balance shifted significantly toward negative values with closed eye, indicating multisensory integration deficit. Conclusions: Post-COVID syndrome in relatively young outpatients complaining mild motor deficit is associated with high incidence of sarcopenia. In addition, they have multisensory integration deficit that further contributes to symptoms. The Clinical, Ultrasound and Robotic Evaluation protocol is able to objectivize symptoms that common diagnostic tool cannot reveal.
sarcopenia,Post-COVID Syndrome,Fatigue,SARS-CoV-2,Motor Deficit,Multisensory Integration Deficit
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