
Associations among Discrimination, Psychological Functioning, and Substance Use among US Black Adults Aged 18-28: Moderation by Racial Attribution and Sex.

Journal of substance use and addiction treatment(2023)

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INTRODUCTION:Discrimination is associated with poor mental health and substance use among Black Americans, but research is needed on mediators and moderators of these relationships. This study tested whether: 1) discrimination is associated with current alcohol, tobacco (cigarette or e-cigarette), and cannabis use among US Black emerging adults; 2) psychological distress (PD) and positive well-being (PW) are mediators of discrimination-substance use relationships; and 3) these relationships are moderated by sex and attributions to discrimination (racial vs. nonracial).METHODS:Using data from a 2017 US nationally representative survey, we conducted bivariate and multiple-group moderated mediation analyses among 1118 Black American adults aged 18-28. The study assessed discrimination and attribution to discrimination using the Everyday Discrimination scale, past 30-day PD with the Kessler-6 scale, and past 30-day PW with the Mental Health Continuum Short Form. We utilized probit regression for all structural equation models and adjusted final models for age.RESULTS:Discrimination was positively associated with past 30-day cannabis and tobacco use directly and indirectly through PD in the overall model. Among males who reported race as the sole/main attribution to discrimination, discrimination was positively associated with alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco use through PD. Among females who reported race as the sole/main attribution to discrimination, discrimination was positively associated with cannabis use through PD. Discrimination was positively associated with tobacco use among those who reported nonracial attributions to discrimination and with alcohol use among those whose attribution was not assessed. Discrimination was positively associated with PD among those who reported race as a secondary attribution to discrimination.CONCLUSIONS:Discrimination specifically attributed to race may contribute to greater PD and in turn alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco use among Black emerging adults, especially males. Future substance use prevention and treatment efforts targeted to Black American emerging adults may benefit from addressing racial discrimination and PD.
Discrimination,Racism,Young adults,Substance use,Mental health,Black/African American people
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