
The Impact of Societal Views on Market Access- Case Studies for Utilization of Hpv Vaccines in Cervical Cancer and Prep Hiv Preventive Therapy.

O. Staples,S. Sanyal, N. Khatura, A. Mishra,A. Kumar

Value in health(2015)

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Studies in literature have shown that the rates of awareness, intent and use of HPV vaccines and HIV preventive therapies rose during first years of launch but have dropped subsequently. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of social and behavioral factors on the acceptance and usage of these therapies. A detailed review of medical literature, journals, regulatory publications, and physician blogs on HPV and HIV preventive therapies was conducted. Our research has been structured by exemplifying two case studies assessing the impact of stakeholders’ opinions on acceptance and adoption of vaccines and preventive therapies Case study 1Although EMEA approved HPV vaccines in 2006, their coverage remains suboptimal. These vaccines continue to have low adoption throughout Europe, compared to other adult vaccines. This is attributable to apprehensive views among stakeholders, such as parents, having concerns on promiscuity and vaccine safety. Similar views were observed among European press and religious groups. The attitude of physicians also had a nebulous outlook, impacting adoption. Case study 2 A similar scenario exists in the US, with PrEP HIV preventive therapy. Although medical literature supports the therapy, societal reservations have restricted market access thus increasing co-pays. This is driven by stakeholder concerns on non-compliance leading to drug resistance, promiscuity, and development off a false sense of security resulting in a drop in HIV screening rates and protective measures. The gravity of the issue is judged by the fact that, FDA has called for a REMS to take care of these issues. The utilization of a new medical service is impacted by societal perceptions, especially those conflicting with general values. In spite of regulatory approvals and national recommendations supported by clinical evidences, low adoption and high co-pays reflects that the market access is significantly driven by strong prevailing societal views.
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