
Supporting wound healing by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) therapy in combination with scaffold, hydrogel, and matrix; State of the art

Pathology, research and practice(2023)

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Non-healing wounds impose a huge annual cost on the survival of different countries and large populations in the world. Wound healing is a complex and multi-step process, the speed and quality of which can be changed by various factors. To promote wound healing, compounds such as platelet-rich plasma, growth factors, platelet lysate, scaffolds, matrix, hydrogel, and cell therapy, in particular, with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are suggested. Nowadays, the use of MSCs has attracted a lot of attention. These cells can induce their effect by direct effect and secretion of exosomes. On the other hand, scaffolds, matrix, and hydrogels provide suitable conditions for wound healing and the growth, proliferation, differentiation, and secretion of cells. In addition to generating suitable conditions for wound healing, the combination of biomaterials and MSCs increases the function of these cells at the site of injury by favoring their survival, proliferation, differentiation, and paracrine activity. In addition, other compounds such as glycol, sodium alginate/collagen hydrogel, chitosan, peptide, timolol, and poly(vinyl) alcohol can be used along with these treatments to increase the effectiveness of treatments in wound healing. In this review article, we take a glimpse into the merging scaffolds, hydrogels, and matrix application with MSCs therapy to favor wound healing.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs),Wound healing,Scaffold,Matrix,Hydrogel,Cell therapy
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