The Relationship Between Imbalance Symptom and Cardiac Pulsation Induced Mechanical Strain in the Brainstem and Cerebellum for Chiari Malformation Type I.

Journal of biomechanical engineering(2023)

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Chiari malformation Type I (CMI) is known to have an altered biomechanical environment for the brainstem and cerebellum; however, it is unclear whether these altered biomechanics play a role in the development of CMI symptoms. We hypothesized that CMI subjects have a higher cardiac-induced strain in specific neurological tracts pertaining to balance, and postural control. We measured displacement over the cardiac cycle using displacement encoding with stimulated echoes magnetic resonance imaging in the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord in 37 CMI subjects and 25 controls. Based on these measurements, we computed strain, translation, and rotation in tracts related to balance. The global strain on all tracts was small (ρ1%) for CMI subject and controls. Strain was found to be nearly doubled in three tracts for CMI subjects compared to controls (p ρ0.03). The maximum translation and rotation were ~150 µm and ~1°, respectively and 1.5-2 times greater in CMI compared to controls in four tracts (p ρ0.005). There was no significant difference between strain, translation, and rotation on the analyzed tracts in CMI subjects with imbalance compared to those without imbalance. A moderate correlation was found between cerebellar tonsillar position and strain on three tracts. The lack of statistically significant difference between strain in CMI subjects with and without imbalance could imply that the magnitude of the observed cardiac-induced strain was too small to cause substantial damage to the tissue (ρ1%). Activities such as coughing, or Valsalva may produce a greater strain.
chiari malformation type,cerebellum,imbalance symptom
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