
Low Frequency 3D Transmission Ultrasound Tomography: Technical Details and Clinical Implications

Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik(2023)

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A novel 3D ultrasound tomographic (3D UT) method (called volography) that creates a speed of sound (SOS) map and a reflection modality that is co-registered are reviewed and shown to be artifact free even in the presence of high contrast and thus shown to be applicable for breast, orthopedic and pediatric clinical use cases. The 3D UT images are almost isotropic with mm resolution and the reflection image is compounded over 360 degrees to create sub-mm resolution in plane.Methods: The physics of ultrasound scattering requires 3D modeling and the concomitant high computational cost is ameliorated with a bespoke algorithm (paraxial approximation - discussed here) and Nvidia GPUs. The resulting reconstruction times are tabulated for clinical relevance. The resulting SOS map is used to create a refraction corrected reflection image at -3.6 MHz center frequency. The transmission data are highly redundant, collected over 360 degrees and at 2 mm levels by true matrix receiver arrays yielding 3D data.The high resolution SOS and attenuation maps and reflection images are used in a segmentation algorithm that optimally utilizes this information to segment out glandular, ductal, connective tissue, fat and skin. These volumes are used to esti-mate breast density, an important correlate to cancer.Results: Multiple SOS images of breast, knee and segmentations of breast glandular and ductal tissue are shown. Spear-man rho is calculated between our volumetric breast density estimates and VolparaTMfrom mammograms, as 0.9332. Multiple timing results are shown and indicate the variability of the reconstruction times with breast size and type but are -30 minutes for average size breast. The timing results with the 3D algorithm indicate -60 minute reconstruction times for pediatrics with two Nvidia GPUs. Characteristic variations of the glandular and ductal volumes over time are shown. The SOS from QT images are compared with literature values. The results of a multi-reader multi-case (MRMC) study are shown that compares the 3D UT with full field digital mam-mography and resulted in an average increase in ROC AUC of 10%. Orthopedic (knee) 3D UT images compared with MRI indicate regions of zero signal in the MRI are clearly displayed in the QT image. Explicit representation of the acoustic field is shown, indicating its 3D nature. An image of in vivo breast with the chest muscle is shown and speed of sound agreement with literature values are tabulated. Reference is made to a recently published paper validating pediatric imaging.Conclusions: The high Spearman rho indicates a monotonic (not necessarily linear) relation between our method and industry gold standard VolparaTM density. The acoustic field verifies the need for 3D modeling. The MRMC study, the orthopedic images, breast density study, and references, all indicate the clinical utility of the SOS and reflection images. The QT image of the knee shows its ability to monitor tissue the MRI cannot. The included references and images herein indicate the proof of concept for 3D UT as a viable and valuable clinical adjunct in pediatric and orthopedic situations in addition to the breast imaging.
3D ultrasound tomography,Volography,Whole Body Imaging,High resolution,Quantitative imaging,Refraction-correction reflection tomography,Tumor monitoring,Pediatric imaging,Musculoskeletal imaging,Orthopedics,Low frequency transmitted ultrasound volography
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