
Different Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices and Drugs in the European Union: Impact on Clinical Research and Health Technology Assessments.

˜The œInternational journal of health planning and management(2023)

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OBJECTIVES:Understanding whether the regulatory framework in the European Union creates different standards for medical devices and drugs, assessing whether there is evidence on the impact of those standards on clinical and HTA research, and reflecting on findings in order to propose legislative changes for promoting a more efficient allocation of resources in the healthcare systems.METHODS:Reviewing and comparing the legal framework for the approval of medical devices and drugs in the EU, with a particular focus on the changes brought by Regulation (EU) 2017/745. Investigating the available information on manufacturer sponsored clinical studies and HTA-supported recommendations for medical devices and drugs.RESULTS:The review of the legislation identified different standards for approval of devices and drugs on their quality, safety, and performance/efficacy dimensions and fewer manufacturer sponsored clinical studies and HTA-supported recommendations for medical devices versus drugs.CONCLUSIONS:Policy changes could be implemented in order to promote an integrated evidence-based assessment system for a better allocation of resources in healthcare, namely: a consensual classification of medical devices from an HTA perspective, which could be used as a guide for generating outcomes in clinical investigation, and the adoption of conditional coverage practices including mandatory post-approval evidence development for performing periodic technology assessments.
device regulatory framework,drugs,interventional medical devices,medical device assessment,medical devices
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