
Contemporary Knowledge on the Assessment of Temperament in Cattle and Its Impact on Production and Reproduction Including Some Immunological, Genetic and Metabolic Parameters


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Simple Summary The assessment of temperament has a long history in cattle. However, the tests used to evaluate it are often difficult and time-consuming and, therefore, rarely used in practice. Meanwhile, temperament affects many of the breeding parameters of cattle. The aim of the article is to present known and lesser-known methods of temperament assessment and to indicate its relationship and influence on production and reproductive parameters as well as on some immunological, genetic and metabolic parameters in cattle. The article presents the most commonly used methods of temperament assessment and discusses some of the issues surrounding them. Temperament is associated with the well-being, health, production and reproduction of cattle. In order to increase the population of individuals with the desired temperament, its evaluation should be standardized and be made one of the obligatory elements of breeding and veterinary examination. A number of different tests are used for temperament assessment. In this article, the importance of temperament correlation with some metabolic, genetic, immunological, production and reproductive parameters have been shown, pointing at its influence on the economy and cattle handling. The most common methods for assessing the temperament of cattle are presented, including long-time scales of temperament assessment. At the same time, the relationship of the temperament of cattle with production efficiency, immunity and reproductive indicators has been shown, indicating that its correct assessment is an important aspect of the proper development of the herd and the associated economic growth.
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